Stories explored at depth on the Veritas News Network in our Citizen Journalism section include The New Democracy of News, Citizen Journalists: Rights, Risks, and Responsibilities, Whistleblower: The US Army and its Internal Culture War, Information Overload: Social Sharing and the Surrender of Privacy, and Unspoken Border Issues. Several categories of news are featured on the Veritas News Network include Citizen Journalism, Consumer News, Ripoffs & Scams, Consumer Advocacy, World News, US News, Crime, Economic News, Editorial & Opinion, Education, Health & Science, Human Rights, Investigative Reports, Investing, Legal News, Money, Personal Finance, Op-Ed, Politics, Technology, and Travel. Our Managing Editor is a veteran investigative journalist who has won dozens of awards. Veritas News Network - Truth is TrendingTruth is trending on the Veritas News Network! VNN is an online publication featuring the news and is dedicated to in-depth investigative reporting with a consumer advocacy focus.